My Favorite Things...

...that can't be found in Arkansas.

Though these items can't be found, I'm willing to let them go because we can get Tillamook Cheese! I do believe that Tillamook's medium chedder is one of my favorite things I wouldn't be able to do without.


Cassidy said…
what?? you can get tillamook in arkansas? dang. i can't. i'm going home for wes's birthday next week, and granny's 70th, too...i'll pick some up then! : ) oh, and what's your mailing address? love you!

Anonymous said…
I am glad you can get tillamook. Does it cost tons more than normal? I got some pb in CA one time called Johnson's. It was very similar to Adam's and we shared a name, so I thought that was really great, too....Corinne
Greg said…

It's funny you mention the cost. It is actually cheaper than it was at Safeway across the street. Although it isn't Winco cheap. It's like $6ish I think.

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