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Who would've thought that I'd be back in Portland only 5 days after we left after Christmas break? It wasn't even in the realm of possibility for me, but that's what happened. I'm happy to say that the emergency trip back to PDX ended with incredibly good news. After a major stroke, it looks like my Gramma is going to be making a almost full recovery. She's in a rehab center as of today to get her left side working properly again. There is some trouble with her sight out of her left eye, so we'll keep praying about that.

My time in Portland last weekend was fast and mostly spent at the hospital. It was very encouraging to see Gramma improve each day I there. Once I got back home I found it to be a little bit chaotic, though once seeing Carolyn & Elisa I realized just how much I missed them. Carolyn wrote about all the things that have caused the chaos here and here. We have our living room again, no car yet, and I'm just now figuring out how far behind I am with work stuff. At least I know what I have to do now and have a plan of attack (suprisingly reassuring). As I was flying back on Monday night I gained a renewed sense of excitement and motivation that just hadn't come yet this semester. I'm glad it's here and excited about what God will do in J. Alvin this semester.


beccafredo said…
Glad to hear the good news Greg!

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