Bob Stroller

We bought our stroller last week. We went with the best deal we could find, a BOB Revolution. They run for $359 on Amazon, but we got ours at Costco for $150. After I realized what a good deal it was we went back and bought two more. They sold out super quick in Oregon and we bought the last ones in Tacoma. So, I'm selling the extra two on Ebay and hopefully that profit will pay for ours. We knew we wanted a stroller that could fit the car seat and a jogging stroller. With an attachment this one'll do both and we won't lose so much space in our apartment by having to store two strollers.


Cathy said…
Congratulations on your baby girl-discovery! How exciting that grandmas were there too! Isn't it just amazing to see that little one inside moving around like that?
Hope to see you again before you go back home.
Cathy said…
Oh, I almost forgot...good luck on your stroller-selling experience!

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